
When a call centre is linked with an information management system, far greater levels of efficiency and customer service can be achieved.

A call centre is an organisation's marketing opportunity to die for.

American Express achieved enormous efficiencies in its call centre through the integration of information management technologies.

Call centres are going to change the way in which we live, work and, most significantly, shop.

How companies approach customers can vary in cost dramatically.

New Zealand's BankDirect has introduced 100 per cent electronic branchless banking.

StorageTek has announced a worldwide strategic relationship with Hewlett-Packard.

Exide Electronics Australia has introduced a three-phase double conversion on-line uninterruptable power supply (UPS), the Powerware Prime.

Stac has established a strategic alliance with US-based BMC Software to deliver business server recovery solutions.

TDK has announced that it will start manufacturing sample quantities of write once DVD-R and rewritable DVD-RAM discs.
