
Outlawing the use of portable storage devices, such as iPods, in the workplace will be nigh on impossible to enforce and as such is unlikely to deter would-be data thieves.

Microsoft has made a big step towards providing users with the ability to communicate across different networks by planning to open up its online messaging service used by businesses to America Online inc. and Yahoo Inc's systems.

Australian based distributor, Resource Options, will launch a new flexible records management system from Canada later this month that makes it easy to keep track of documents and media from creation to destruction via a Web browser.

The CEO of a company that earns its coin by selling security software that protects and tracks confidential information made an extraordinary gaffe today when he not only failed to identify a vulnerability within his own system, but also p...

Audited information management is an integral part of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

It may look like a simple envelope, but email is as dangerous as Godzilla if left untamed.

Take a look at your business. What are its assets? The building, a fleet of cars, the infrastructure, goods in the warehouse, no doubt some of these are true to your company.

Users will be able to interact with multiple collaboration applications, such as corporate white pages, organisational charts, instant messages, team workplaces and virtual meetings.

Australian companies must apply diligence to ensure they aren’t easy targets for cyber-terrorist attacks.

A new lab has been unveiled today by Data #3 to help businesses test the suitability of storage solutions before they integrate them fully into their system infrastructure, saving on pain, risk and uncertainty.
