
Queensland Police Citizens Youth Welfare Association (QPCYWA) has become the latest organisation to sign up for TechnologyOne Cloud to integrate its Finance, Payroll and Human Resources (HR) systems across its 54 branches and more than 700 staff.

Victoria's Supreme Court is to receive a new web-based case management system, known as RedCrest, after the state government announced $A675,000 funding for the initiative.


Village Roadshow has moved to the next phase of its Accounts Payable (AP) automation project using ReadSoft to manage Payment Proposals in SAP.


When it comes to Electronic Document and Records Management for the Australian Government, it does not get any bigger than this.

The Queensland Parliament has deployed a new publication system using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 to publish the Parliament’s record of Proceedings (Hansard) (transcripts of parliamentary proceedings). The success of the project, together with the need to create a SharePoint environment, has seen use of SharePoint extended to handle Intranet and it is now being considered for a range of other collaboration and content management applications.

One of the big attractions of SharePoint is that through a list you can generate a form, hence you can take a process that could be paper based and automate it. When talking to organisations about SharePoint this is often one of the deal clinchers when considering if SharePoint is the solution for them. Especially if they have no form automation or Access database setup.

Ballarat Health Services has recently deployed the Rhapsody Integration Engine from Orion Health as its new platform to provide connectivity between critical clinical, patient and administrative applications, including pathology, admission, discharge and transfer systems.  

The Grampians Integrated Cancer Service (GICS) in Ballarat is one of the nine Integrated Cancer Services (ICS) in Victoria which were established in 2004-2005 to facilitate the implementation of the Cancer Services framework for Victoria. GICS works to facilitate planning and improvements in integration and coordination of cancer services to meet the needs of people with cancer across the Grampians region.

One of Australia & New Zealand's Big Four banks  is steering a path to a SharePoint 2013 future although keeping its role limited to its perceived strengths in intranet and document collaboration.

The Shire of Esperance in Western Australia has gone live on the new Civica cloud platform launched last month.
