Document & Records Management

More than half of organisations surveyed by AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) for a recent report on data governance have had data-related incidents in the past 12 months, including 16% suffering a data breach.

New Zealand information and knowledge management solution provider Information Leadership was awarded ICT Vendor of the Year at the recent Annual Association of Local Government Information Management (ALGIM) Awards. The company was nominated by the Upper Hutt City Council which has recently implemented an electronic document and records management system and intranet SharePoint solution.

TechnologyOne has announced the integration of Office 365 with the TechOne Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution at Microsoft’s 2015 Connect Conference in New York.

Before anything else, make sure you instil the following message into your company's culture and never, ever forget it: The purpose of documentation is to transfer the right information to the right people at the right time. Anything that interferes with this objective is at best a waste of time, at worst downright dangerous.

Working across a number of industries over the last few years it always surprised me that Big Data projects either struggle with meeting records management requirements or ignore them altogether.  My surprise comes from the fact that not only is Records Management a compliance practice, but it is one that can literally pay for itself.

Most documentation goes unread, for good reason: most documentation isn’t worth reading. It is rare to find an organisation where the documentation isn’t a shambles. Most often, you find a mess of documents that are badly written, incompetently edited, at least partly out-of-date, inconsistent, and boring.

DocsCorp’s contentCrawler, an integrated analysis, processing and reporting framework, now integrates with NetDocuments, a cloud-based document and email management system.

Sean Nathaniel, Chief Technology Officer of Upland Software and General Manager of the company’s FileBound ECM division, wants to foment a revolution in the way organisations plan, manage and execute work.

Each year ABBYY holds numerous International Technology Summits, where we share our latest product innovations and future technology roadmaps with our partners and developers.

The 2015 ABBYY North America Technology Summit was held in California in November, where a team from ABBYY Australia was joined by local distributor ACA Pacific and channel partners to experience the latest developments in data capture and data analytics.
