Document & Records Management

A blow out in costs, a couple of mega-litigations, a Federal Court Note and a growth in electronic data that shows no signs of letting up. It looks like eDiscovery is in the stars as is a local market on the verge of the big bang. But are ...

Some of our leading document, records and imaging specialists are making the move down South. One company, Acrodata, has successfully launched into the Tasmanian market, taking its employees along for a lifestyle change.

Just when it seemed like things had gone quiet on the Yahoo acquisition front, Steve Ballmer, CEO at Microsoft has threatened a proxy fight should Yahoo continue to resist the negotiating table.

Hewlett Packard (HP) has announced a forms and document automation solution which looks to enable Government and educational institutions to make the move away from pre-printed forms.

The final skirmish has come to a surprisingly bloodless conclusion in the document format battle that Microsoft has been fighting since 2005, with the announcement that Office Open XML has won the ISO vote.

IDM kicked off 2007 with a look at Wikia’s new social search engine project, at the time informally dubbed Wikiasari, which was taking its first steps into a brave new world of search. Now, one year later an Alpha version of Wikia Search h...

Fed up with the massive portion of global GDP disappearing every year, the International Community has made a united stand to stop crime and terrorism by targeting the money that finances it. Now, organisations undertaking financial trans...

Intelligent capture and exchange specialist Kofax plc has been named IBM’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) "Independent Software Vendor (ISV) of the Year" for 2007.

Jumping on the ‘green is good’ movement, Xerox has released an environmental footprint calculator aimed at measuring an office’s environmental efficiency.

The Cisco owned collaboration company, WebEx has announced enhanced support of Apple Macintosh users for its business process collaboration applications.
