Document & Records Management

Infrastructure software specialist Autonomy has introduced automated real-time policy management software for IT, legal, and compliance purposes that it says is the first of its kind due to its ability to understand the information it is managing.

The United States Air Force (USAF) has chosen HP for its imaging and printing services provider for the next five years.

Climate change is well and truly on the agenda. With the inevitable emissions trading scheme on its way, the Government first needs a means to effectively measure the output of Carbon from an organisation– it’s a new line of work presentin...

For the lucky few organisations, the destruction of documents is already a well maintained and streamlined process, with a full understanding of the risks of removing data without proper destruction methods. The majority of Australian orga...

New laws proposed by the Federal Government could give employers the right to sift through their employee’s inboxes and otherwise monitor their computer networks in the name of preventing cyber-attacks.

Mergers, acquisitions, remote offices, and hundreds of boxes of paper based documents from around the globe – Orica’s mission to turn available, but inaccessible data into workable knowledge was an epic journey.

When it comes to securing the inbox the biggest threats are the human ones – from a careless mistake that innocently leaks sensitive data, to revealing compromising details on social networks and dealing with employees who will believe any...

When you look down at the soup of icons on your desktop, there’s a good chance that several of them will be for various Microsoft applications. For a lengthy period of time they’ve been the biggest fish in a rather small pond, but the seam...

Frustrated by what they says is a lack of political willpower, two men with the help of a risk management consultancy, have taken the matter into their own hands to solve some of the inherent challenges that plague indigenous communities. ...

Like an addictive game of ping pong, the faster you email back and fourth the easier it becomes to make mistakes, waste time and cement words that can’t be taken away. IDM spoke to email guru, Sharon MacNevin to find out why users are succ...
