Document & Records Management

Search-powered information access solution provider Coveo Solutions has announced that its enterprise search platform has achieved new levels of speed and scalability, and can now index and manage archives of up to a billion documents.

Pilgrim Software in the US has announced that its enterprise compliance and quality management systems are now available as software as a service (SaaS) solutions.

Thanks to a case of dirty documents gone wrong at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Google has been outed as a critic of eBay and its decision to force users into its PayPal payment system.

In the interests of bringing together and optimising PACS images, BridgeHead Software has launched a new tool called PACStore.

In a complete break from tradition, Microsoft has announced that it will be adding support for a range of universal standards, including OpenDocument Format (ODF) to its Office 2007 productivity suite.

Laserfiche have released the latest version of their flagship document and records management platform, Laserfiche 8.

IBM and Iron Mountain have announced that they will be jointly developing a new solution to manage paper and electronic records.

Fresh off a string of major contract signings, Objective Corporation has released the newest version of its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution.

Archiving solution specialist Plasmon has announced new plans to bring virtualisation to archive management and help organisations better manage exploding levels of data they are forced to retain.

Information protection and storage specialist Iron Mountain has acquired records management and information destruction provider DocuVault, bolstering its records management capabilities.
