Document & Records Management

Although such stringent regulations have caused overseas CIOs a lot of angst over the past few years, Australian CIOs – unless they work for an Australian subsidiary of a US or European company, or an Australian company with substantial ov...

Launch party, clown suits and a solution nicknamed MAGIC, the editors at professional education services Kaplan realised that while it helps to have Interwoven on board a project to reinvigorate their content management, a little bit of ma...

Rules-based compliance vendor, RuleBurst has undergone a major rebranding exercise, choosing to adopt the name of its most recent acquisition.

Software provider Attenex and solutions specialist Kazeon have announced that they are forming an alliance to provide enterprises, legal service providers and law firms a combined package of eDiscovery software and services.

The West Australian Public Transport Authority has chosen Objective to provide their Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution.

RenewData has developed a new method of processing backup tapes that better support discovery and risk management when it comes to electronically stored information (ESI).

An Aussie firm is taking up the challenge of reducing the paper-based mail glut by introducing a new electronic service aimed at cutting out reliance on physical mail such as bank statements, utility bills and invoices.

ERP software provider SYSPRO has released new document management software for mid-market manufacturers, claiming it can further ‘green ERP’ capabilities and increase efficiency while ensuring compliance.

Despite its triumph getting Open XML through as an ISO standard recently, Microsoft has ran into some strife as its own Word 2007 documents do not comply with the new OXML standard that was approved.

Xerox has released a new survey which reveals the top 10 environmental pet peeves of office workers.
