Document & Records Management

Microsoft's new Vista operating system will appear without the much-vaunted WinFS data storage and management software.

Direct marketing is a tough game. Leads rapidly expire, prospects peter out and connecting to the right customer can be as elusive as the white stag. With the right solution and vendor, however, you can be sure that your quiver will always be full.

Being able to share knowledge effectively and actually make it work practically are two ideals that may be further apart than you think. Avand’s Chris Gorry is optimistic that with good practices you can narrow the distance.

When your document-centric organisation is a legal practice, the growing emphasis on compliance coupled with the exponentially increasing number of documents choking archives make document management a necessity.

"Driven by headlines, regulations… organisations are increasingly focused on securing stored data. Integrating encryption and content management into the data management infrastructure is vital."

Microsoft hopes to shake up the Australian ECM (Enterprise Content Management) market with the release of a converged SharePoint and Content Management Server within the Office 2007 high end 'Enterprise' and 'Professional Plus' editions d...

Global registry for new business and consumer digital addresses opens. 'I-Names' use OASIS XRI standards. Spam protection the big driver.

Pushing its Universal Records Management (URM), Stellent's Chief Operating Officer, Dan Ryan, slams records management practices across the board.

New Zealand’s Public Records Act 2005 changed the way that Archives New Zealand stored and managed the nation’s public information. Greg Goulding Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping, Archives New Zealand, tells us how.

If you have an irregular workforce with a lot of part-time, remote or contractual workers, keeping your business processes consistent can be a Herculean task. Greg McNevin finds out how Plutonic Zoo subdued the Hydra of knowledge management.
