Document & Records Management
Security no longer a side-issue for the US storage vendor, as massive acquisition sets out its stall to sell encryption.
Long-time EMC partner, Arkivio, brings it Auto-Stor data classification system comes into the CA.
Version three of the "AIIM Recommended Practice, Analysis, Selection, and Implementation Guidelines Associated with Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) released.
U.K. M.P. say that F.O.I. can only be as good as the quality of the records management it gives us access as British agencies come under heavy criticism.
Microsoft pushing the latest version of Office to users via a online test requiring no download but requiring Citrix plug-ins.
A state-wide fibre optic network that will 'revolutionise the way the Victorian academic and research community communicates and collaborates with the world' is confirmed.
Australian High Tech Crime Centre in very low-tech error exposes the personal banking details of 3,500 people.
Are your electronic documents giving away more than you bargained for? Greg McNevin goes digging for delinquent data...
Microsoft's new Vista operating system will appear without the much-vaunted WinFS data storage and management software.
Direct marketing is a tough game. Leads rapidly expire, prospects peter out and connecting to the right customer can be as elusive as the white stag. With the right solution and vendor, however, you can be sure that your quiver will always be full.