Document & Records Management

March 3rd, 2006:US financial services giant, Morgan Stanley is fined US$15-million (AU$20-million) this month for failing to manage its emails.

The Cole enquiry has uncovered a new set of emails sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) requesting an urgent investigation into the Australian Wheat Board’s (AWB) contracts in Iraq.

The Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) has acknowledged two Australian information and communications (ICT) developers as world leaders.

The phrase ‘Knowledge Management’ has now been in the international business lexicon for a while. However, while organisations are beginning to recognise the value that exists in their intellectual assets, a great divide still exists betwee...

Tasmania's Launceston City Council races towards a single point of access for key documents. Stuart Finlayson reports from the finish line

Australian legal experts are calling for organisations to be more aware of their electronic document and records management systems so that they can avoid falling foul of a plethora of legal Acts that could easily catch them out for being n...

Tasmania's Launceston City Council races towards a single point of access for key documents. Stuart Finlayson reports from the finish line

ISYS Search Software has been selected by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel to handle the search and retrieval of legislation information from its public

Objective signs for Queensland's Redcliffe City Council in a 200- seat content management coup.

Due to an incorrect fax number, doctors in the US have been faxing rehems of confidential patient information to a small herbal medicine distributor in Canada.
