Document & Records Management

Enterprise content management vendor Hummingbird and global solutions company LogicaCMG have announced a strategic alliance to deliver solutions in the enterprise information management space.

The NSW Department of Local Government (DLG) will be streamlining its process of managing correspondence and improving its ability to meet state and national recordkeeping legislation with an Electronic Document and Records Management solut...

Enterprise content management system provider Documentum has introduced a new virtual repository platform that enables all aspects of cross-repository content management.

The Australian Computer Society (ACS) has welcomed the Federal Government's 25 percent funding increase for schools, but warned that Australia will continue to lose ground to other nations in the global knowledge economy unless urgent atte...

Virgin Blue has forced itself into flying its planes within one hour of an

The extension to the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance deadline will mean good news for Australian companies looking to partner and merge with US companies because they will have more vision over the financial integrity of these companies.

Necessity proves to be the mother of invention again as one of Australia's foremost construction firms develops an all-encompassing document management system to keep its workers across the globe in the loop at all times.

The son of a former government minister, who was famously embroiled in a scandal when he let another of his offspring illegally use his ministerial phone card, with which $50,000 worth of phone calls were subsequently racked up, has return...

Objective Corporation has come to the aid of the government to help the Australian Government Solicitor keep up its competitive advantage in the legal industry.

Adobe's new Intelligent Document Platform aims to bridge the gap between enterprises and customers by using PDF server-based solutions for companies to transact business, meet regulatory mandates and reduce costs.
