Email & Instant Messaging

Could you be hoodwinked by a fake email? We may comfort ourselves that we would be better than Malcolm Turnbull at spotting a bogus message, but David McGrath warns of the perils that await the unwary.


Kroll Ontrack has announced the availability of Ontrack PowerControls version 6.0, providing enhanced manageability for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.

NewsGator has released a native social iPhone client  SharePoint as well as a microblogging suite. The iPhone client, and a companion client for the soon-to-be-released iPad, provide direct access to enterprise social computing environments without the need for a browser.

The Australian Competition and Consumer has blamed Internet scams for defrauding Australians of almost $70 million in 2009.

EMC is positioning its SourceOne email archiving solutions as a stepping stone to Exchange 2010.

OnePlaceMail is broadening its horiozons, with release 3.1 of the Outlook/Sharepoint integration suite extending its reach to Word/Excel and PowerPoint.

Autonomy is offering organisations the choice of on-site, cloud or appliance-based solutions for email archiving with a new offering based on the company's Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) Server.

Industry Web site Travel Blackboard has reported that Qantas is migrating from its decades-long commitment to Lotus Notes in favour of Microsoft Exchange.

Notes users be read for a paradigm shift. Synaptris has announced the Beta availability of FewClix, an email productivity add-on for Lotus Notes that claims to "completely change" the way you communicate.

Which is the better enterprise email platform - Notes or Exchange? Enough organisations are seeing reasons to switch sides to create a thriving market for tools to assist with migration in both directions.
