Email & Instant Messaging

Dexmar has announce the latest release of its E2M collaborative email archiving solution for Lotus Notes and Domino has now been updated to work with the latest MoReq2 specifications around email management.

A PDF "courier" service launched by Amyuni Technologies promises a secure an reliable alternative to email.

Colligo Networks has launched Version 4.0 of its Contributor for SharePoint product line, desktop applications designed to improve the user experience of SharePoint and increase adoption.

Xiant has released a public beta version of ts first product, Xiant Filer, to help computer users stay on top of the increasingly time-consuming task of organizing email inboxes.

While the outcome of the Australian Federal Police investigation into "Utegate" will not be known until July 29, the saga has had the side effect of lifting awareness of email security.

Symantec has announced the launch of MessageLabs Instant Messaging Security Service (IMSS), with capabilities including anti-malware, URL filtering, content control, message logging and reporting.

Proofpoint has introduced a new version of its SaaS email archiving solution that introduces features for faster and easier eDiscovery and improved management of legal holds including new policy engine and workflow enhancements, improved su...

Google Wave is a potential game changer in the business collaboration market, according to Australian Google Enterprise Apps partner Devnet.

Google Wave is a potential game changer in the business collaboration market, according to Australian Google Enterprise Apps partner Devnet.

Impact Systems has signed on to be the first local distributor for Israel-based security vendor, PineApp, which offers email security, Web filtering and SMB solutions.
