Email & Instant Messaging

An updated version of Axway’s File Transfer Direct combines the ease of email with the security capabilities of its core managed file transfer (MFT) products.

Socialtext has announced an upgrade to SocialPoint, its connector that integrates realtime messaging and people profiles for those working in SharePoint.

Azaleos Corporation has announced the newest version of its remotely managed service for SharePoint Server, Azaleos Managed SharePoint 2010 Services.

Microsoft has flagged archiving and discovery enhancements to Exchange Server 2010 with a preview of Service pack 1 (SP1) due out later in 2010.

A new email archiving software system that enables companies to better handle regulatory compliance and storage issues has been launched by The Linux Box Corporation.

A new report from the Ponemon Institute, together with PGP Corporation, claims the average cost of a data breach at Australian organisations is almost $A2M.

StorageCraft has announced the availability of StorageCraft ShadowProtect Granular Recovery for Exchange, the latest version in the ShadowProtect line of backup and disaster recovery software for Windows systems and data.

Symantec has published the March 2010 edition of its monthly MessageLabs Intelligence Report, which finds that while the most common file types attached to all malicious emails were .XLS and .DOC file types, the most dangerous file type identified was encrypted .RAR files, the proprietary compressed archive format. 

Microsoft’s collaboration platform – SharePoint – offers a number of ways to deliver better workflow with e-mail, explains Ivan Wilson.


A new email archive appliance from Tangent, the DataCove DT offers disk-to-disk back-up and increased integrated Exchange 2007 support.
