Enterprise Content Management

If there’s one major challenge to single out in healthcare IT today, it would be leveraging the growth and usage of big data. While consumer IT made big advances in the past decade to get a handle of data by marking up content, indexing it, and annotating it for use, enterprise, and healthcare IT in particular, still need to catch up on making data actionable.

Enterprises are struggling when it comes to mobile ECM (enterprise content management) deployment, with more than three quarters of business executives surveyed in a new Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) study saying they need to embrace mobile applications or be left behind.

The nature of most Enterprise Content Management (ECM) implementations in both the private and government sectors are point solutions. These solutions are implemented to solve specific business challenge areas in one or more agencies in a government, or one or more departments in an organization.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” -Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC). That proverb can easily be applied to the effort required of an organisation trying to establish a strong Information Governance program.

The growing recognition of the business value of data has brought about the rise of a new title, the chief data officer (CDO), according to a research study conducted bv Experian Data Quality.

HP held its Information Governance Forum 2015 across Australian capital cities over the past two weeks. When a presenter referred to the Records Manager product by its previous name TRIM, he joked “I wish I had a dollar every time I did that. “ If there was someone willing to cough up a gold coin each time a speaker through the day-long event made the same mistake he/she would have been much poorer by the end of the day, as it was a routine slipup, understandable given TRIM’s deep roots in the Australian market.

Content, data, information – no matter what your terminology, it’s everywhere and being created by everyone in your organisation. No surprise; that information is not always properly governed by the people creating the content – much less by the organisation itself.

After two years of campaigning, Fairfax journalist, Ben Grubb, finally got the decision he was seeking: metadata could be considered “personal information” under the Privacy Act 1988 (the ‘Privacy Act’). 

Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) as a process is not limited to discovery in legal disputes. The use of the term eDiscovery has now become synonymous with the process of handling large volumes of electronic data and goes far beyond the traditional definition.

Boldon James, a UK-based provider of data classification and secure messaging solutions, has announced the launch of Classifier360. The Enterprise Classification System combines user-centric and automated data classification techniques to deliver a flexible approach to classification.
