Enterprise Content Management

Aconex Limited, provider of a leading cloud collaboration platform for the global construction industry, has announced a multi-year strategic partnership with ASX listed CIMIC Group Limited  and certain of its related entities. CIMIC, formerly Leighton Holdings Limited, is the parent company of one of the world's largest international contractors.

petroWEB Inc. has announced the release of Enterprise DB and Navigator, version 15.1. EDB is a powerful PPDM-based Log and Well File data management system that can also be used as a corporate well data master providing a single solution for effective management of large volumes of subsurface data.

I am not here to tell you to leave all of your information on (file shares in) file servers, however we have learned after working with many customers needing Records and Information Management solutions that sometimes it’s just better to leave your files in place. At least for a while. Placing record retention policies on files (on your file servers) is very feasible if you stay within reasonable bounds.

The Veritas Information  Map, a new tool to enable businesses to delve deep into their data stores to recognise and prioritise information across their organisations, is one of a number of releases being delivered over coming months as Veritas completes full operational separation from Symantec, due by October 2015.

When you go swimming, do you creep in slowly or jump right in? I’ve tried both and have decided that jumping in is by far the better way. A few seconds of shock at the temperature change and then I’m swimming happily. Why endure slow temperature change torture when the whole body adjusts quickly?

Sherpa Software, a provider of information governance and eDiscovery solutions, has announced an update to Altitude IG that introduces several new features for the eDiscovery, Reporting & Analytics and Administration modules. 

Content, data, information – no matter what your terminology, it’s everywhere and being created by everyone in your organisation. No surprise; that information is not always properly governed by the people creating the content – much less by the organisation itself.

BA Insight has launched Elasticsearch for SharePoint, described as out of the box software to integrate Elasticsearch with SharePoint and allows Elasticsearch to be accessed through SharePoint portals without reliance on custom software development.  In addition, BA Insight’s complete software portfolio is now available for the popular open source Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack. 

Lucidworks has announced Fusion 2.0, a new version of its enterprise search solution which integrates with Apache Spark to enable real-time data analytics, and a new version of SiLK that simplifies dashboard visualisations, enhancing user experience.

The CBH Group, Australia’s largest co-operative owned by around 4,200 Western Australian grain growers, has completed a major ECM migration from OpenText eDOCS 5.3 to Content Server 10.5, implemented by solutions provider Fastman.
