Enterprise Content Management

Former senior US counterintelligence expert and Nuix executive, Keith Lowry says insiders represent one of the greatest but rarely mentioned cyber security threats to Australian government and corporate organisations because of their ability to access and exploit sensitive and critical-value data.

Kaspersky Lab has announced it is delivering its security offerings to the Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet across Australia.

Metalogix has announced a Technology Preview of Metalogix ControlPoint 6.0 with Sensitive Content Manager for Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Dropbox is adding the ability to preview Adobe design files such as Photoshop, Illustrator, or PostScript in a web browser.

Half of organisations will not have an information strategy that addresses the emerging role of information citizen through 2017, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that information is a key component of the Nexus of Forces and information strategies and the use of information are increasingly driven by - and driving - digital business.

As the name implies, Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ) provides a much-needed search and rescue service to the tens of thousands of people who enjoy boating throughout the bountiful waters of the Sunshine State. MRQ has provided that vital service for the past 50 years and as a largely volunteer organisation, has a paid staff of just three full-time employees and one part-time employee to administer and train the volunteers.But changing expectations have meant that what was suitable in the past may no longer be sufficient for the future.

What is knowledge management? This question has triggered a thousand on-line arguments and finding agreement on a single definition is a never-ending challenge. Ask the question and you might get answers like ”manage, plan, deploy, collect and spread knowledge in an organisation, and do it in a planned manner”, and ”to create, store, survey, use and revise knowledge”.

Many organisations are keen to experience the well documented features and benefits of SharePoint 2013. The question in most cases isn't whether to stay with SharePoint, instead the challenge is to implement a foolproof SharePoint migration and upgrade roadmap, and this is where a Search-first strategy can help.

Australian solutions provider Kapish has announced a new product to assist HP TRIM/HP Records Manager users with business processes, called AutoMate. Kapish AutoMate is a central processor that works in conjunction with its modules to carry out specific HP TRIM/HP Records Manager tasks and actions in the background.

An inquiry into practises of the Australian Commonwealth Department of Parliamentary Services has learned that inadequate documentary evidence was provided due to poor management of the TRIM recordkeeping system. The committee of inquiry was inquiring into the process surrounding the choice of a photographer by former Department of Parliamentary Services secretary Carol Mills to document the Australian Parliament's 25th anniversary.
