Enterprise Content Management

Just four percent of businesses are able to extract the full value from the information they hold, with over a third (36 percent) lacking the tools and skills they need to do so, according to new research from storage and information management company, Iron Mountain and PwC. As a result, 43 percent of the European and North American companies surveyed obtain little tangible benefit from their information, and 23 percent derive no benefit whatsoever.

The Electric Pen has announced the availability of The Electric Pen Reporter to create professional looking reports from your desktop with any TRIM/RM dataset.

An effective information governance strategy depends on many intricate pieces. Like a jigsaw puzzle, if all of those pieces don’t fit together, the whole is not going to show the entire picture. If you have captured, processed and archived some of your business information, but not all of it, there are missing pieces of the information governance puzzle. It is important to understand where your information comes from, how to ensure it is available for analysis, and how you plan to access it in the future.

Has any enterprise solution ever been as maligned as much and as often as ECM has been over the past few years? Disproportionately high numbers of failed initiatives, endless issues with user adoption, persistent reports of its imminent demise as a business priority… How did the stark reality of ECM’s performance end up crash landing so far from its original promise for many organizations? And, more importantly, what are the strategies and tactics that will allow ECM to finally achieve its potential as the centrepiece of information governance and a principal driver of business value?

With the launch of a new project code-named “Deep Insight” , Canada’s Adlib Software plans to exploit the capabilities of its Advanced Rendering platform, and extensive experience working with unstructured content, to elevate the “findability” of information.

Aiming to transform into paperless organisation by 2020, New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment (MfE) is deploying OpenText Enterprise Content Management-as-a-Service. Based in Wellington, MfE is the government’s principal adviser on policies, laws and issues affecting the environment. 

Bloomberg's enterprise information management service, Bloomberg Vault, has added a File Analytics hybrid-cloud solution to help firms manage and secure corporate data stored in cloud-based information sharing services, such as Salesforce Files,  Microsoft SharePoint and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) fromAmazon Web Services, as well as on-site file share systems.

The value of intellectual property was $US329 billion worldwide in 2013, accounting for 1.5% of the $US22.2 trillion of the financial flows tracked by the World Trade Organization. In the United States, the $US128 billion in intellectual property (royalty and licensing income) generated by US companies accounted for 5.6% of the $US2.28 trillion in US exports, making intellectual property revenues second only to food and agriculture exports.

At the recent Chief Data Officer Summit in Melbourne, Veritas Senior Vice President Greg Muscarella presented a session on The Importance of Gaining Insight into Your Unstructured Data. Afterwards, IDM asked Greg to outline some of his recommendations. Greg leads Product Management and Engineering for the Veritas Information Intelligence team where he is responsible for products such as Data Insight, Information Map, Enterprise Vault and Enterprise Vault.cloud, and the eDiscovery Platform powered by Clearwell.

I am hearing much about Master Data Management (MDM) from all industry sectors.  Not just oil and gas but commercial organisations, software providers, miners etc. On my quest to be able to talk intelligently about it over dinner with my nerdy database friends, I decided to create “MDM for Dummies”. What follows is not for dummies, but for you – the intelligent and worldly reader.
