Scanning & Capture

Compliance costs have, "knocked future investments in the payments system off the project slate" claims senior Australian banker.

New South Wales, Queensland and South Australian members of the Australian Services Union (ASU) have withdrawn their labour from employer National Cash Registers (NCR) today.

A Nevada-based government official responsible for the management of sensitive records including marriage certificates and land registrations has been suspended due to alleged kickbacks.

Kodak releases its latest colour touch-screen, networked document imaging device, the Scan Station 100.

IBM, Corel and Novell feature among the organisations forming the Open Document Alliance (ODA), an organisation that is mounting a challenge to Microsoft's Office XML format.

US-based content management software vendor, Stellent Inc, is bringing the previously geek-centric world of the Wiki into the business world.

After the IT spending bonanza that was Y2K, the IT industry felt the pinch in the intervening years. Organisations were forced to tighten their belts and make big reductions in their IT spend. Now that five years has elapsed since tech vend...

Telecom New Zealand has signed a contract with data centre infrastructure and uninterrupted power supply vendor American Power Conversion (APC) to install the highest capacity UPS ever deployed in the country.

The NSW department of health has reportedly run in to trouble rolling out its new online health record system Healthelink.

Enterprise infrastructure provider Sybase has released version 12 of its modelling and design software, PowerDesigner, which it says enables enterprises to re-engineer business applications with greater consistency, speed and cost-effectiveness.
