Scanning & Capture

The National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Ma-tauranga o Aotearoa and Endeavor Information Systems have to design a digital archive capable of ensuring preservation and future access to the nation's digital heritage collections.

The Wimmera Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has engaged Image Management (IM) firm ER Mapper to assist in the management of aerial images.

Sun bounces back with regrowth in the storage market.

How prepared will you be when disaster strikes?

New Zealand Police is seeking tenders for a new Image Management (IM) solution.

X-rays, bone X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans sent from the imaging centre direct to your phone or PDA - at least in the USA.

DICOM reports success of Ascent and VirtualReScan technology in German utility deal.

The Australian printer market recorded it’s highest sales ever, exceeding 90,000 units in the first 2006 quarter.

Demand for outsourced imaging drives industry veteran to expand its reach with a major purchase for the region.
