Scanning & Capture

Computron Software has formed a new line of business for its COOL product suite under the Computron corporate umbrella.

This issue looks at the integration of image databases and EDM solutions with new call centre technologies.

Comments from NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and Intercept Information Solutions re the former's tender for an imaging contract.

Letter from Trevor Stacey,Registrar, NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, re an IDM article on the organisation's tender for an imaging contract.

As the price-performance ratio of computing systems improves, applications for sophisticated information management are coming within the reach of the small to medium enterprise.

When a call centre is linked with an information management system, far greater levels of efficiency and customer service can be achieved.

American Express achieved enormous efficiencies in its call centre through the integration of information management technologies.

Stac has established a strategic alliance with US-based BMC Software to deliver business server recovery solutions.

Faced with the problem of paperwork far exceeding inhouse image capture capabilities, an industrial supplier looked outside.

Canon has released a complete turnkey solution including application software, a high-speed scanner and optical storage system.
