Network Storage

US-based Rivet Logic outlines how organisations can gain the most from Open Source content. It’s free White paper, which focuses on Technologies such as ECM platforms, aims to provide better understanding.

The Storage Bridge Bay Working Group (SBB) is launched this week with EMC, Dell and LSI Logic Group with a view to changing the way that storage controller cards interface with storage disks. Technology or Politics?

Security no longer a side-issue for the US storage vendor, as massive acquisition sets out its stall to sell encryption.

Venerable storage maker, Winchester, launches its latest SCSI-based RAID array.

Long-time EMC partner, Arkivio, brings it Auto-Stor data classification system comes into the CA.

A state-wide fibre optic network that will 'revolutionise the way the Victorian academic and research community communicates and collaborates with the world' is confirmed.

Australian High Tech Crime Centre in very low-tech error exposes the personal banking details of 3,500 people.

Tiers of storage based on drive types and RAID levels plus automated data classification and data movement between tiers.

Microsoft's new Vista operating system will appear without the much-vaunted WinFS data storage and management software.
