Spring into eForms

Spring into eForms

May/June Edition, 2008: SpringCM has launched the latest version of the company’s document management and workflow Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution.

Version 4.2 offers eForms the ability too utilise eForms for many business applications such as Holiday leave requests, insurance forms and expense requisitions. The Web-based forms are easy to create, fill in, route for approval and place in folders preconfigured to automatically notify the appropriate individuals. Self-indexing and automated data validation improve the speed and accuracy of data collection, and all data can be reused and leveraged in other applications.

By consolidating structured data into unstructured documents, the Automated Document Customisation feature enables organisations to streamline business processes and to standardize outgoing documents. SpringCM uses standard document templates to create customised documents such as contracts, offer letters or personalised correspondence.

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