Most PC Users Unaware of Online Productivity Apps

Most PC Users Unaware of Online Productivity Apps

By Greg McNevin

December 21, 2007: While online productivity suites are being hailed as the next big thing by many ICT commentators, it appears that services such as Google Docs and Zoho have a long way to go to spread the word among PC users.

A new survey of 600 PC users in the US by NPD has found that a mere 0.5 percent have replaced Microsoft Office with an online suite, while only 20 percent of users have even heard of services such as Google Docs.

All up 94 percent of those surveyed had never tried an online productivity suite - a statistic that illustrates that while some techies and early adopters may be enthusiastic about the benefits online suites bring to the table, the vast majority of those who would benefit from making the switch are either reluctant to take the leap, or just completely unaware such solutions exist.

The study also shows that while some have hailed the online office revolution as a threat to the dominance of Microsoft Office, in reality it appears that the company could rest on its laurels for a while longer while it gradually rolls out the online components of its Office Live, bringing users many of the same features in a package locked firmly in their comfort zones.

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