Iomega Upgrades SMB Security and Compliance Services

Iomega Upgrades SMB Security and Compliance Services

By Greg McNevin

November 1, 2007: Iomega has just announced an new range of email, instant messaging and compliance services for SMBs, promising enterprise-level managed solutions at prices fit for much smaller operations.

The company has rolled out some significant additions to its OfficeScreen managed services, adding IM security, email archiving and encryption services powered by technology from Postini, which was itself recently acquired by Google.

The new additions to OfficeScreen follow the firm’s launch of Managed Email Security and Spam Defence (also powered by Postini) in June this year, giving the service a full suite of security and compliance solutions.

Iomega says that while IM has become a standard business tool, only about 25% of companies manage and protect its use. It’s easy for employees to download public IM clients under the radar, and once installed the software is designed to find ways through firewalls, making them difficult to secure. The firm claims OfficeScreen IM Security stops threats from penetrating the company network, and enables the monitoring and archiving of IM, resulting in increased security, productivity and compliance.

Next to IM protection, Iomega says its new on-demand email archiving service enables businesses to improve mail server performance and quickly implement data retention strategies for compliance and rapid discovery. The solution also enables automatic or selective message encryption based on a company's policies.

“Small and mid-sized businesses face the same business urgencies and messaging security challenges as larger organisations,” said Jonathan Huberman, CEO of Iomega Corporation. “Now SMBs in the U.S. can benefit from communications security and compliance solutions that used to be beyond their reach.”

The service is now available in the U.S., it is currently unclear when it will be available in Australia.

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