Business Process & Workflow

Today’s need for automation is real and is not going away. It is undeniable that the intelligent automation market is going through a rapid democratisation process and societies we live in are somehow more inclined to coexist with virtual cognitive workers. The end-goal of automation is not anymore perceived as a Kafkaesque nightmare of unpredictable and uncompromising robots!

OK, this time we’re finally going to be doing away with paper in the office. The end of paper has been trumpeted for decades, but this time – if you believe The Wall St. Journal (“Why the Paperless Office Is Finally on Its Way“) – it’s finally going to happen.

Devworkz has announced the latest release of Appbuilder for SharePoint & Nintex, which enables anyone to customise SharePoint and easily create applications with no code components. Because Appbuilder removes the need for custom coding and the complexities associated with data integration, even non-programmers can build and manage powerful application solutions.

Lexmark International has released Kofax Kapow 10 for robotic process automation (RPA) projects aimed at automating the labour -intensive processing of digital information.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has released a position paper calling for all healthcare services and government agencies that communicate patient information with general practices to eliminate paper forms and faxes within the next three years and to replace then with highly secure digital communications.

News of data breach occurrences appear on an almost daily basis, frequently involving embarrassing leaks of credit card data, email addresses, names, phone numbers, physical addresses, and financial transactions. The consequences can result in significant fines, reputational damage, legal claims and expense and even imprisonment.

Once upon a time, a Shire not too far from Melbourne analysed its paper usage and was horrified to find that if each sheet of paper it used was placed end to end it would be the equivalent to the travelling the distance between Melbourne and Sydney (the scenic route) and a little bit more.

Kira Systems, the machine learning contract analysis software provider, has announced Kira Quick Study 2.0, a major upgrade to its proprietary technology that identifies clauses and other metadata from contracts and related documents.

Toga, a private Australian company which operates or owns more than 80 hotels in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe in a joint venture with Far East Orchard, has implemented Accounts Payable automation on a Kofax platform through solution provider Efficiency Leaders.

Every organisation is now a digital business. Its information is an asset and its digital currency. Business leaders responsible for managing enterprise information have to focus on its life cycle, which is extremely critical for the success of the business.
