Business Process & Workflow

SaaS software company Kissflow Inc, a leading, has rolled out a more powerful and comprehensive version of its flagship product, Kissflow Workflow. The new enhancements will allow business users to automate and track both structured processes as well as unstructured dynamic cases using a single no-code platform.

US startup Intelus is hosting an open beta for companies seeking a no-code, no-data-science platform it says can be used to build custom artificial intelligence models quickly and at a fraction of the cost of incumbent practices.

What are the main reasons to be excited about the latest Version 8 Update to the FileBound document management and workflow solution? We asked Australian reseller FileBound Solutions to list the top new features and why they make a difference.

Ephesoft, developer of  intelligent document processing (IDP), automation and data enrichment solutions, has presented Kodak Alaris with an award for a Property Management Solution created during Ephesoft’s 2021 Hackathon event.

Worldwide artificial intelligence (AI) software revenue is forecast to total $US62.5 billion in 2022, an increase of 21.3% from 2021, according to a new forecast from Gartner, Inc.

Invoice fraud costs Australian businesses $A128M each year. Australia’s Sypht has introduced three new features to its capture and document processing platform designed to improve time and costs efficiencies and reduce the impacts of fraud.

COVID-19 has forced many companies to change the way they capture, process, and manage documents, as it has with so many other areas of getting things done. Organisations that previously got by using outdated and clunky, but comfortable, manual processes have had to increase their use of digital solutions dramatically.

Whether it’s athletes on a sporting field or celebrities in the jungle, nothing holds our attention like the drama of vying for a single prize. And when it comes to the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), some of the most captivating moments have also been delivered in nail-biting finishes.

As a means of communication, email is ubiquitous. As a result, an email is often the only evidence of a transaction or interaction between individuals. Yet email is surprisingly easy to forge or tamper. It is therefore critical that the file formats used to represent email outside of their original systems capture and retain the metadata necessary to demonstrate trustworthiness.

Process mining is the secret sauce in digital transformation: A recent survey of 1,220 IT decision makers worldwide shows that many organizations have automated the wrong procedures, wasting time and money.
