Business Process & Workflow

The growth of robotic process automation (RPA) over the past few years has been one of technology’s great success stories. A recent Gartner announcement on the state of the market indicates that spending on RPA software is likely to surpass $2.4 billion in 2022. At that pace, 85% of large and very large organizations will have deployed some form of RPA by the end of next year.

Integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) is rapidly becoming a fundamental component of enterprise technology stacks. And it makes total sense. IT organizations worldwide are dealing with an increasing number of software systems. Whether they are installed within the corporate network, in a cloud service provider’s infrastructure, or offered by a third-party SaaS provider, business groups want to use more software. And that creates a lot of fragmentation and complexity, especially when those systems need to be connected together or data needs to be shared between them.

Crow Canyon Software has announced the release of its Visual Workflow Designer, a "drag-and-drop" interface that makes it easy to design and build workflows that automate business processes. 

Lexis Affinity is a leading legal practice management software solution. Practice management systems like Lexis Affinity helps law firms to manage their day-to-day workflows and business operations across their law practice, by digitally storing information in one secure place.

Like their cloud-native counterparts, many large or long-standing enterprises aspire to automate as much of their operations as possible. As a result, many of them get overly ambitious with their process automation goals, and attempt to roll out sweeping, company-wide digital transformation initiatives. While ambition is a good thing, many of these initiatives take years to complete, and often require ripping and replacing legacy systems. 

​Mark Wharton, IBML’s business development manager looks at how firms in the transport and logistics industry can apply data capture solutions to streamline information sharing in the supply chain.

Clients of Information Management and Governance (IMG) specialist, iCognition, have received Micro Focus Software Realize Customer Awards at the Micro Focus Information Management and Governance Forum 2021. Perpetual Limited received the award for Financial Services Information Management Modernisation, and Griffith University received the award for Technology Excellence.

TCG Process, a leading intelligent document processing (IDP) solution provider with headquarters based in Switzerland, has announced a new, global partnership with global IT consulting firm Wipro.

Arnold Bloch Leibler (ABL) – an independent Australian law firm renowned for advising clients on high-stakes transactions and disputes – has chosen iManage Closing Folders to simplify its legal transaction processes, becoming the first Closing Folders customer in the APAC region.

Hornsby Shire Council recently completed an impressive modernisation project involving the transition of a range of on premise applications into Microsoft Azure. While this cloud transition delivers immediate efficiencies and benefits, it also sets the Council up for accelerated innovation in the future.
