
Digital transformation is rapidly accelerating, which is enormously exciting as industries evolve for the future. But change does not come without some bumps in the road. One area that enterprises have struggled to figure out is efficient content distribution.

Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Manager Health Information Services, Terry Seery, and Manager Medical Records, Tanya Reid, have been announced as the winners of the 2021 Bernadette Bean SA Records Management Service Excellence Award. The award is bestowed in honour of the late Bernadette Bean.

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) is undertaking a major project to digitise historic technical records dating back to 1860 through to 1956 detailing meteorological observation elements (e.g. temperature, pressure, wind).

Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, has signed a landmark three-year, $A1.4 million deal with the Citadel Group to deploy records management in the cloud using its Software as a Service (Saas) platform Citadel IX.

As Australia continues to slip in and out of lockdowns, business continuity continues to be tested. While business leaders battle to try and not just survive the pandemic but thrive, groups of highly sophisticated scammers are seeking to exploit the pandemic and scam businesses out of their hard earned and much needed cash. According to the ACCC’s latest Targeting Scams Report businesses lost over $A128m to business email compromise scams – that’s nearly $A2.5m a week. 
