
For many organisations looking to improve their operational efficiencies, the overhead of processing incoming invoices is one of the first challenges to be considered.

Over the past 18 months, the business world has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Enterprises have shifted from bustling offices to bustling Teams channels. Employees are working from home and new hires have yet to set foot in the office. Businesses are using the cloud more than ever. Selling and consolidating offices also means shutting down private data centers and pushing more enterprises to migrate to the cloud.

Findings from the global State of Cybersecurity 2021, Part 2 survey report from ISACA in partnership with HCL Technologies, not only shows 41% of Australian and New Zealand respondents report an increase in cyberattacks on their organisation during the last year, but 62% expect that their organisation will experience a cyber-attack in the twelve months ahead.

Chief Techology Officer (CTO) Raf Hens is one of the longest-tenured members of the iText team. Responsible setting the strategy and direction for the organization, here he lays out his vision for IDM.

Despite more than 10 years of concerted effort to encourage a digital transformation of Australia’s federal government agencies, only two thirds “always or almost always” work digitally by default i.e. create, store and manage information digitally. This is one of a number of issues of concern contained in the latest Checkup Plus survey by the National Archives of Australia, which shows government paper archives continue to grow.
