
Research by Bain & Company finds that while executives embarking on digital transformation have historically focused on speed, the ability to scale is rising as an imperative

Today’s digital business environment depends heavily on data to guide decisions and determine business direction. Organizations have begun to implement data governance, particularly in response to regulatory requirements. But successful businesses recognize the need for adaptive data governance to power more efficient decision making while promoting data value.

Some of the most effective and utilized collaboration tools are on the cloud to support the continuity of business amidst the challenge of distance. SharePoint is one of the more efficient tools by Microsoft that’s ideal for creating sites, acting as a document library, and many more functions that are helpful for communication inside and outside of an organization. It’s also integrated with other Microsoft 365 solutions such as Teams, OneDrive, and Yammer, and all of these tools work together to provide a great collaboration experience.

​The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation like never before and in particular the need for a digital mailroom.

Today’s enterprise search users need more than answers. They want context, information, and guidance along the way.
