
Objective Corporation has reported a stellar financial performance in the past financial year, with its share price rising rapidly over 2021 to push the personal wealth of founder, CEO and majority shareholder Tony Walls past the $A1 billion dollar mark.

The infrastructure as a service (IaaS) market in Australia grew 40.4% in 2020 to more than $A1.4 billion in total revenue, up from $A1 billion in 2019, according to Gartner, Inc. Amazon retained the No. 1 position in the local IaaS market in 2020, followed by Microsoft and Google.

Australian organisations are a soft target for ransomware attacks, say experts who have issued a fresh warning that the government needs to do more to stop agencies and businesses falling prey to cyber-crime. But in truth, the danger has been growing worldwide for more than three decades.

Information Services Group (ISG), a global technology research and advisory firm, has launched a research study examining providers of intelligent automation solutions and services at a time when companies are beginning to leverage these technologies to improve operational efficiency and enhance customer experience.

Analyst firm Frost & Sullivan has completed a global study which found that organisations worldwide are inclined to invest in hybrid and multi-cloud information technology (IT) environments that can support users, applications, and data spread across diverse locations.
