
In many organisations, the path to an AI-enablement is littered with mistakes, false starts and wasted investment. In an environment where 70% of digital transformations fail, it is crucial to maximise the likelihood of success by learning from others who have gone through this journey. 

With due acknowledgement of the disease’s tragic impact, the COVID-19 outbreak proved a boon for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams users soared from 20 million to 145 million between November 2019 and April 2021.

According to a recent survey conducted on behalf of the digital association Bitkom, an average of 26 emails are received per professional mailbox in Germany every day. Processing them takes up a large part of working time. In addition, emails are an integral part of processes.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has a rich and unique archive that captures almost two centuries of primary source material about Australia’s economic, financial and social history. While the RBA itself was actually created in 1960, it emanated from the original Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which was founded in 1911 and had absorbed other colonial era banks.

Sixty-three percent of financial services organisations in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region report that investments in automation have helped them gain a significant competitive edge in the market. This data comes from a new global survey conducted by Longitude, a Financial Times company, and commissioned by Appian.
