
So, you’ve decided to go digital.  For many organisations this starts with the desire to “go paperless”, scanning existing documents and digitising manual paper-based business processes. For many the first thought is to go out and buy a scanner, depending on the project your best solution may just be to rent one

The federal government set an example for state and territory counterparts in early June when it announced that all relevant government data under the Digital Transformation Agency’s hosting certification framework will soon need to be stored only in either ‘certified assured’ or ‘certified strategic’ data centres.

BDO New Zealand, one of New Zealand’s largest networks of independently-owned accounting practices, has implemented an AvePoint party SharePoint Online backup solution that will allow it to demonstrate compliance with government-mandated retention policies.

Australian federal government records managers can rest easy in their jobs for now, with the government rejecting a proposal to centralise the public service's record-keeping at the National Archives of Australia (NAA). It announced the decision in a response to the Tune Review, a major review of the Agency.

Hornsby Shire Council recently completed an impressive modernisation project involving the transition of a range of on premise applications into Microsoft Azure. While this cloud transition delivers immediate efficiencies and benefits, it also sets the Council up for accelerated innovation in the future.
