
Hyland is on the acquisition trail, following up its purchase of RPA vendor Another Monday last month with the news it is also buying Alfresco, a content services platform and solutions provider.

Despite the various benefits robotic process automation (RPA) implementation can bring to many industries, research shows there is still resistance to using it. RPA is software specifically developed and implemented to perform repetitive, manual tasks.

Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) Digital Workspace Manager Deanna Fleming has been announced as the winner of the 2020 Bernadette Bean SA Records Management Service Excellence Award.

We are all familiar with the proverb “necessity is the mother of invention.” In an interdependent global economic environment, anticipating unexpected risks is built into the DNA of every organization, large and small. But nothing could have prepared us for the pervasive impact of this pandemic. According to a survey by the Institute of Supply Management, 75% of companies are reporting significant supply chain disruptions, which is unprecedented in modern times. Just in time inventory and dependence on lowest cost suppliers, the hallmark of modern supply chain management, now represents risks to businesses.

The Auditor-General has zeroed in on the performance of the Digital Transformation Agency and two other Commonwealth Departments in a report on the use of procurement panels and arrangements for expenditure on ICT related goods and services, which totalled over $A3.9 billion for the Australian government in the 2018-2019 financial year.
