
Robotic process automation (RPA) will be commonplace in finance departments by 2020, but implementations are likely to encounter failures at three key stages, according to Gartner, Inc.

Haven’t we all been promised a paperless office for years? And although there have been various attempts and solutions, the latest answer to the paper problem appears to be machine learning and robotic process automation (RPA).

One of the UK’s leading personal injury law firms has added a much-needed line of defence against accidental data breaches.

Microsoft has released Common Data Service (CDS) for Power Apps, Flow and Power BI. This Common Data service was the missing piece in Microsoft’s vision in connecting data with modern workplace apps in Office 365. This new feature will make end-to-end applications building accessible to a whole new range of more business-minded people, further helping to bridge the gap that has always existed between IT and business.

Now and into the future, the most successful companies will be transparent with their clients and other businesses, interacting dynamically via an ever-growing number of social media platforms. The challenge to maintain compliant records can seem overwhelming but there is no need to throw your hands up in despair.
