
Content Federations is one of the cornerstones of a Content Services Platform (CSP). Content federations have been growing for the last two years. Federations go back to 2000, but the concept is still new to some. I’ve seen some recent confusion about the difference between Content Federations and Federated Search. I thought I might provide some clarification.

More than three years into its multi-million dollar quest to revolutionise digital record-keeping practices across Federal government, Australia’s Department of Finance has announced another shift in direction and a “review” of the current moratorium on new investment in records management solutions.

Transform. Transform. Transform. The steady cadence of the message to focus on digital transformation is important, but the reality is that it runs the risk of creating transformation fatigue.

Anthony Macciola, Chief Innovation Officer at ABBYY, recently visited Australia and sat down with IDM to discuss the transformation of the enterprise capture market.

Non-profit organization ODPi has announced Egeria, a new project that supports the free flow of metadata between different technologies and vendor offerings. It promises to allow organizations to locate, manage and use their data more effectively.
