
As organisations have become more sophisticated in their quest for productivity and competitiveness, they have increasingly realised that the quality and loyalty of their employees is one of the most important factors. Managing HR processes and compliance requirements effectively can take valuable time and resources away from strategic initiatives, so it’s essential for businesses to streamline and automate HR processes wherever possible, according to M-Files.

Australian businesses are currently faced with the challenge of managing and storing a plethora of distributed unstructured data sets. Unstructured data comes in various forms – documents, audio, digital images, video – and from multiple sources including sensors, employees, customers and other external channels.

Services organizations have been using transmittal workflows for years. The process consists of collecting multiple documents — some contractual, some operational and some informational — and attaching a summary cover sheet to create a deliverable package. This package, which can be delivered either by courier, mail or fax, today is mostly sent by email.

“Data is transforming business!” is a common eureka-esque cry in the anglophone media, as if it’s a new thing. I mean, tell the people of the Neolithic Near East something they don’t already know. Advances in information abstraction, representation, storage, processing and transmission have been transforming industries and whole economies for centuries.

Are you feeling like there’s an unstoppable, accelerating growth in the volume of data being created within your organization? The folks at Microsoft agree with you. In fact, they’ve been describing a state of “data explosion,” occurring in business today.
