
Is there a role for robotic process automation (RPA) in data extraction and migration? A contextual definition of data migration provided by UiPath is “the movement of data from an older legacy system to its new replacement system”. The crux of the matter is that legacy systems will be switched off upon data extraction and migration. So, migration should be handled properly, because once it’s switched off, there’s no turning back.

The New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) has entered into a contract with Microsoft to store all applications and data on external servers. After conducting its own Privacy Impact Assessment on the use of Microsoft cloud services, it will store the data in Microsoft’s data centres in Sydney, with possible backups in Melbourne.

The Joint Command Head Quarters of the Australian Department of Defence (HQ JOC) is deploying a high speed text extraction and analysis application, Sintelix, developed by Semantic Sciences.

In many ways, it’s well-deserved. In a recent survey conducted by the Institute of Finance and Management (IOFM), controllers unloaded about the aspects of AP they found most burdensome and backward. Compared to accounts receivable, payroll, tax and audit, AP was considered by controllers to be the most time and labour-intensive function of all.

Is there any business catchphrase more ubiquitous nowadays than “digital transformation”? Everyone craves the agility, innovation, relevance, engagement, reputation, loyalty, and brand advocacy that digital transformation promises. But how many are willing to do what it takes to achieve the sort of digital transformation that matters? If your organization wants a meaningful digital transformation, then it must be willing to do enough to make it worthwhile; otherwise, you are just putting band-aids on a gaping wound.
