
South Africa is embarking on a three-year program digitize 350 million civic paper records relating to birth, marriages, deaths, and amendments.

Hundreds of emails and files land in inboxes each day and are then forwarded, processed and archived. The torrent of data is endless. Standardised file types are essential for managing these huge quantities of data and to avoid ending up with a mishmash of different file formats.

A recent system breach at the US Department of Justice (DoJ) has us asking: is paper safer if records management and security priorities aren’t in sync? Back in 2020, three hostile foreign actors did in fact breach the Department of Justice’s case management and document filing system, known as the Case Management/Electronic Case Files system (CM/ECF).

The word ‘federation’ may bring to mind a governmental body, which is a fitting metaphor for understanding the concept of data federation.

With the rise of unstructured data, a well-thought-out information governance process is necessary for success. However, is Microsoft enough to get the job done, or do you need more? Read on to see if Microsoft 365 is sufficient for you.
