
Teradata is shipping the latest version of its data warehousing software suite. It’s been two years since the last version hit the market in 2003, now Warehouse 8.1 is out and strutting around showing off its apparent enhancements to perfor...

Peter Jackson’s remake of the iconic King Kong has hit the cinemas. One of, if not the most CGI heavy movie in history, Kong has raised the bar when it comes to digital visuals. To do this, it needed a data archival system as powerful as th...

Microsoft researchers claim to have uncovered a widespread typo-squatting scam that uses misspelled domains to serve Google advertising.

Microsoft has released a statement declaring that the time of Internet Explorer (IE) for Mac is over come new years day.

A new report from security seller claims that 2005 saw nearly two months in which end users were unprotected from a range of virii.

IDM recently reported that a new release of the world’s second favourite web browser, FireFox, had a snappy new bug possibly opening clients up to a Denial of Service (DOS) attack.

Just as Sony’s Blu-Ray technology seemed to be taking the lead in the next generation DVD contest HP, one of its bigger supporters, has suddenly decided to support both formats.

The fourth Annual secrets of IT competition has come to a close. And with its sunset comes a bight dawn to 22 innovative Australian IT companies.

IDM recently caught up with Sun Microsystem’s eminent Dr. Radia Perlman to have a chat about security, arborescent algorithms and the evolution of networking.

IBM has announced that it is expanding its relationship with Novell [SUSE] and Red Hat by elevating them to the highest tier of the Strategic Alliance program. The move marks the biggest relationship shift between IBM and its Linux distribu...
