
The UK National Archives has given its approval to Objective 7 being used by the UK government to ensure that information can be managed adequately and in a much more efficient manner.

Organisations can avoid the pitfalls of eLearning and use it instead to drive business growth for the future, according to information management experts that believe it is important to approach this strategy in the correct manner.

These two giant storage companies are celebrating their recent union at Storage Networking World, where they plan to talk to customers directly about how the new combined company will meet their growing comprehensive network computing and ...

Trade operations can be monitored more closely now thanks to a new system that is in place to monitor the movement of each item to eliminate risks and relieve organisations of the dependence on manual processes.

The Internet Industry Association has launched a national campaign to help rid the nation's computers from the danger of spyware. The campaign is directed at all Australian Internet users - corporate, small business and home users alike.

The future of the Internet is set to improve our lives through enhancing social networks, culture and communication, according to Senator Helen Coonan, who recently launched the Smart Internet 2010 Report at Sydney Powerhouse Museum.

This is the message coming from security experts, who believe that the NSW Workplace Surveillance Bill does not need to invoke fear, uncertainty and doubt into employees.

Victorian homes, businesses and communities can now to take advantage of intelligence provided online about setting up broadband services that suit every individual person or organisation.

Consumers are not very different from commercial IT users when it comes to data protection, IDC uncovered in its latest primary research into the home data protection market.

Intel has responded to a lawsuit initiated by Advanced Micro Devices, which asserts that Intel has committed illegal antitrust violations to exclude competition, by refuting the claims and stating that its business practices are fair and lawful.
