
Hitachi Data Systems has increased the capacity and abilities of the 9900 V Series, by increasing the capacity, connectivity and throughput.

Joining the ranks of storage companies reporting healthy revenues for the last part of 2002 was Quantum. The storage vendor has reported that it increased its revenues by 12 per cent for the third fiscal quarter of the year.

Dominating the headlines is, will there be a war with Iraq? Whilst political rhetoric claims that the US and its allies want to "free" Iraq from the tyranny of its leader, other claim it's an effort to ensure Iraq coughs up cheap oil. But c...

Teradata customers will be able to select and acquire a business intelligence tool from Hummingbird from the one source - Teradata. The two companies announced the agreement today.

Veritas banked US$405 million in revenue for the fourth quarter of 2002, up from the $374 million it took home for the September quarter.

The Slammer Worm virus which spread across the Internet over the weekend could be a hint towards information management problems to come. By hitting Microsoft SQL servers, the worm slowed Internet traffic and caused widespread problems.

Hummingbird's headquarters in Canada reported a successful first quarter to 2003 and the local branch office is exceeding sales for the quarter by 25 per cent.

Disaster recovery and back up dominate storage speak at the moment and to many, the last place they would consider using as a storage media is the Internet, but CSIRO has announced that it is researching technologies that will provide just that.

The Federal Government has indicated its desire for increased use of broadband Internet access across all levels of the community.

Hewlett-Packard and Brocade have announced that they are creating a joint venture.
