
The unobtrusive and unassuming field of taxonomy has had another weapon added to its armoury with the launch of the aka application from Australian consulting firm Synercon.

Bar codes are not just for supermarket check-outs and warehouses.

Manufacturing productivity doubled with bar coded parts.

Search and retrieval software in portals is becoming more sophisticated, and more modular.

Sun Microsystems has brought its iPlanet joint venture with Netscape back under its wing with the latest release of the Sun ONE Portal Server, partly based on technology developed by iPlanet.

Transcom's RDP tool converts tacit knowledge to reusable code in

Shredding scandals are landing lawyers - and other professionals - in ethical quandaries worthy of a John Grisham novel.

Cable connections sought with online maps for telco engineers.

As the blood of IT professionals, management consultants and financial services professionals continues to spill on the streets of Australian business, under the guise of "cutting costs," one wonders when it will end and who'll be left to s...

It could be the technological equivalent of planets aligning. Microsoft, IBM and BEA Systems have formed an alliance to push the development and adoption of Web Services. The three have released three new specifications for development and ...
