Enterprise Applications

With the newest version of Netwrix Data Classification, organizations can easily respond to individuals’ requests concerning their personal data, within the required timeframe. This updated version 5.5.3. enables even non-IT teams to respond to data subject access requests (DSARs) swiftly, thanks to simple yet secure discovery and collection of personal information.

As Australia and New Zealand take the first steps toward the relaxation of the restrictions that were necessary to combat the COVID19 threat, it is possible that there may be an unprecedented opportunity for some ANZ businesses to get a head start on the rest of the world.

Australian company Knowledgeone Corporation has released a cross-browser TWAIN Document Scanner Software Development Kit (SDK)

Enterprises today are moving fast in their digital transformation journey, but all have the significant challenge of unlocking key information inside their business documents such as invoices, orders, and other unstructured content.  Much of the content from these varied business documents end up in systems like SAP and countless other enterprise systems.

A new live video signing feature protects companies against fraud and contract disputes while maintaining social distancing. Secured Signing live Video Signing gives users the power to sign legally binding documents on a video call.

SMB finance app Xero has added new search functionality on the company’s app marketplace, powered by enterprise software-as-a-service platform Coveo, making it faster and simpler for small businesses to find the right apps to suit their unique needs.

A three-year campaign by the Department of Finance to revolutionise Commonwealth government record-keeping has evolved into a new tendering process that will require shortlisted vendors to spend up to 4 days each delivering online Proof of Concept (POC) workshops.

An update to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Digital Transformation Spending Guide shows that spending on the digital transformation (DX) of business practices, products, and organizations will continue at a solid pace despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced the general availability of Amazon Kendra, its new enterprise search service that uses machine learning to enable organizations to index all of their internal data sources, make that data searchable, and allow users to get precise answers to natural language queries.

New research from DocsCorp finds that updating underperforming or outdated legacy software will be a priority for businesses in 2020 – despite the impact of the global pandemic COVID-19. More than 60% of people surveyed said the main objective of buying new enterprise software would be to improve productivity, as opposed to reducing costs or increasing reporting capabilities.
