Enterprise Content Management

Micro Focus has announced the release of Voltage SmartCipher, a new offering that integrates with Control Point and Content Manager to provide secure collaboration and simplify unstructured data protection and management.

Are you looking for a way to streamline your business functions through business process automation? Kapish AutoMate can automate tasks, reducing errors and increasing efficiencies.

Your organisation has likely gotten caught up in the world-wide trend of migrating to Office365 and SharePoint on-line.  In doing that you have probably had conversations with various IT staff where you’ve heard words and phrases like: “Teams, Dynamic Groups, Channels, AIP, Flow, LogicApps, PowerApps, evergreen” to the point where it sounds like English, but you have no idea what they’re talking about, let alone understanding the risks and advantages. 

It has become increasingly common for documents to be signed electronically. This can be a very convenient way of signing and storing documents. However, there are more and more cases where electronic signatures are being challenged, and documents being considered unenforceable as a result.

Digital transformation of an organisation is a complex undertaking that involves a change in culture that is more profound than both the technical and process changes combined.

Qnext Corporation has extended its FileFlex cloud platform to support remote access, sharing and collaboration of both on-premises and cloud-based Microsoft SharePoint files and document libraries.

How can your organisation demonstrate that it has taken the appropriate steps to ensure data management is under control and customer data and third-party information is secure?

Kapish has announced the latest releases of Easy Link, Folder Wizard, and Web Grid, designed to save users time and effort in sharing and organising Content Manager records.

More than a year on from a rollout of Office365 at Griffith University IDM asked Gabrielle Ingram, Manager Productivity & Information Management, to reflect on the Information Governance challenge. Utilised by staff, students and alumni spanning six campuses in South East Queensland, the E3 edition now supports more than 200,000 Exchange mailboxes, 79,000 OneDrive accounts and 8,000 SharePoint sites including Teams.

As part of a series of new machine learning initiatives at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon has launched a service called Kendra that uses natural language processing and other machine learning techniques. It aims to unite multiple data silos inside an enterprise and consistently provide high-quality results to common queries instead of a random list of links in response to keyword queries.
