Enterprise Content Management

Open Text has announced a deal to acquire Carbonite Inc., a provider of data-protection services, for about $US1.4 billion.

The NSW Auditor General has criticised poor record-keeping practices among of 40 of the largest agencies in the NSW public sector in its final audit of Internal Control and Governance for 2019.

In recent weeks, Johannesburg’s computer network was held for ransom by a hacker group called Shadow Kill Hackers. This was the second time in three months a ransomware attack has hit South Africa’s largest city. This time, however, hackers didn’t pose the usual threat.

The ANAO audit examined three selected Australian Government entities — the Attorney General’s Department (AGD), the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and the Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS). Here is what they found.

Parabole.ai has launched Metamap, a solution for Metadata Discovery and Validation now available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Metamap, built upon Parabole.ai’s Cognitive Platform allows large and medium-sized enterprises to build their business glossaries from both Physical Data and Business Informational sources.

More than half of risk professionals worldwide say their organisation’s risk levels have increased in the past 12 months, according to new research from ISACA, CMMI Institute and Infosecurity Group.

When I'm running training courses, one of the early topics we cover in the day is the various challenges of implementing data governance, but to be quite honest, the challenges start long before you even start designing and implementing your data governance framework.

A program to transition Australian federal agencies to entirely digital work processes by 2020 is unlikely to succeed, according to a new report from the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO).

With seven Victorian regional hospitals in lockdown for more than 24 hours after a crippling ransomware attack in October, Australia was once again made aware of the threat of cyber criminals.

Lander & Rogers, a leading Australian law firm, with nearly 500 professionals across three offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, is moving to iManage Cloud. The move makes Lander & Rogers the largest Australian firm that was already an existing iManage customer to move to iManage Cloud.
