Enterprise Content Management

Australian solutions provide FYB has launched a new Teams2CM connector to enable Content Manager users to upload information to and from Teams, Microsoft’s cloud-based team collaboration software.

After decades of taxonomy design consulting, I’m still amazed that some organizations doubt the value of effective enterprise taxonomy design. Though knowledge and information management technologies, as well as associated search technologies have changed, the core business value and use cases for taxonomy have not.

Enterprise search developer BA Insight has announced availability of AutoClassifier 5.0, which includes Natural Language Processing to automate extracting key information from documents. The information is then used to generate summaries and categorize and tag all of your enterprise information, including images and videos.

Key international Kodak Alaris executives flew into the NSW Hunter Valley last month for the global imaging giant’s first ANZ partner event in over 10 years. There they were joined by the company’s growing roster of dedicated Australian staff as well as Australian and New Zealand BPOs, resellers and system integrators who experienced an intensive two days showcasing the drive towards Digital Transformation in 2020 and beyond.

Decision makers love data. But until recently, organizations have primarily relied on structured data—highly organized data sets that are easy to analyze. Unstructured data, like emails and text, don’t usually follow a predefined model or fit into relational databases. Therefore, a great deal of enterprise data is unstructured, but many organizations may ignore it completely because of the inherent difficulties of analyzing it.

We are entering the third of three major phases of information management, each increasingly more sophisticated and powerful, and each with new and greater potential to impact a business’s bottom line.

New integration between the DocsCop’s cleanDocs and iManage Security Policy Manager enables CIOs and CISOs to strengthen data loss protection for emails and attachments as part of a comprehensive, policy-based governance strategy.

While the cloud has delivered massive cost and agility benefits for businesses in all industries, there is one counterintuitive challenge being created by the unlimited storage capacity it offers. Because businesses can access virtually limitless storage at a low cost, they no longer have to focus on deleting anything. This means businesses are unlikely to have deletion policies in place for the cloud.

A major privacy fault line has just been revealed as “anonymized data” is now exposed to be not so anonymous after all. An article published by the New York Times reports that new technology can frustrate present efforts to keep data private in a July 23, 2019 article, Your Data Were ‘Anonymized’? These Scientists Can Still Identify You.

Consider the data that drives your organization, from spreadsheets to emails, reports, presentations and even text messages. Effective information governance ensures security and accessibility of that information while improving regulatory compliance and reducing data storage costs.
