Enterprise Content Management

When cloud-based Enterprise Content Management (ECM) came into the mainstream in the mid-2000s, businesses began digitizing old analogue processes and migrating content from local machines and on-premises repositories to the cloud. As the world of digital content grew, ECM providers deployed a variety of ways to sort and segment proprietary or sensitive content.

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”. David Gould, Senior Director, Secure Content Management Solutions at Micro Focus, used the famous Mark Twain quote to open his session on the future of the ECM platform formerly known as TRIM at Realize 2019, the company’s annual user forum.

The Auditor General of Western Australia has called on state government entities to upgrade their information security practices, with a new report finding, in some cases, a complete absence of infosec policies.

Business continuity and disaster recovery solutions have been effective in reducing downtime from days to hours; however, modern solutions are typically reliant upon backup files which are normally inactive and need to be tested and restored. That takes time.

ABBYY has released a FlexiCapture Connector for the M-Files ECM platform that will more tightly integrate its intelligent data extraction and recognition capabilities. ABBYY has also become an M-Files Certified Application Partner (CAP).

A fundamental shift is occurring in the global economy with respect to data. As it stands, only 30% of the global economy has been digitised, but 5G wireless networks and other high- speed telecommunications solutions will enable the digitisation of the remaining 70%, driving huge increases in data generation.

Cloud content management company Box Inc. is revamping its workflow automation tool Box Relay, making it easier for companies to automate business processes.

A few years ago, talk of using unstructured data sources in the enterprise was relatively rare, but that is rapidly changing. The reason, a thirst for data.

Malicious or criminal attacks accounted for the main source of data breaches during the first year of operation of Australia’s Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme, according to a 12‑month Insights Report released by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Sharp Corporation of Australia has announced it will be joining the partner program of information management company, M-Files Corporation. The aim is to leverage the M-Files approach to help transition Sharp MFD clients from their outdated systems and network folder-based schemes to a modern information management platform.
